Many companies have boring development plan frameworks, or none at all. I learned this “Focused, Fun and Fearless” development framework from one of the best leaders I worked with at American Express.

The three dimensions are:
Focused - define your Role Clarity and Goal Clarity
What are you accountable and responsible for delivering
What is your functional role
Who do you work with in your day-to-day
What metrics or outcomes will signal success
At the end of the year, what do you want your success headlines to be
Fun - define what drives Purpose and Satisfaction in Your Career
Who are you - what makes you tick
What do you want in life and in your work
How do you want to go about achieving your goals
What do you need to do to be true to yourself, how do you need to act
Fearless - define your Growth Areas to Succeed
What are your strengths
What are your opportunity areas
Where do you need to focus to grow this year
What help do you need to grow
Use this framework for yourself or your team if you are a Product Leader. It’s a great way to spice up your development frameworks while directly aligning to what is most important in your business and to yourself and your team as individuals.